Corona Radar: частная компания запускает новое анонимное приложение по предупреждению заражения коронавирусом

Приложение Corona Radar от немецко-швейцарского предпринимателя Берта Некерманна — это новое приложение, которое поможет людям защитить себя от заражения Covid-19. Приложение показывает в режиме реального времени людей поблизости и их статус риска на экране, дизайн которого напоминает радар. Corona Radar работает на базе GPS и имеет радиус от 3 до 200 метров. Приложение — на 100% анонимно, доступно […]

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Corona Radar : Une société privée lance une nouvelle application d’avertissement anonyme

 Corona Radar, réalisée par l’entrepreneur germano-suisse Bert Neckermann, est une nouvelle application faite pour aider les gens à se protéger d’une contamination au Covid-19. L’application montre en temps réel les personnes aux alentours ainsi que leur degré de risque sur une sorte d’écran radar. Elle fait appel au GPS et couvre un rayon allant de […]

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BioID liveness detection automates Digidentity’s identity proofing for British government service GOV.UK Verify

German biometrics company BioID and Dutch identity provider Digidentity, part of Solera Holdings, Inc., collaborate to offer a completely automated identity proofing process to the British government. Digidentity delivers state-of-the-art, certified identity solutions with high levels of assurance complying with eIDAS, KYC and AML regulations. For fraud prevention and automation, these are supported by the […]

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Technology can’t replace artists: Study by b<>com explores perception of “artificial creativity” in AI labour study

A new scientific study on the impact of AI on the workforce by European tech research institute b<>com confirms a strong unconscious bias towards artwork created by humans compared to artwork created by AI and that robots struggle with portraits!  The paper is published as part of the Prospective <2031> initiative, which studies the potential impact of artificial […]

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HUPAYX launch Validator Onboarding & MainNet

HUPAYX, an award-winning ‘O2O’ blockchain-powered mobile payment solution provider – with 2 live apps (wallet and mobile pos) and over 1 Million local merchant base, has officially unveiled its MainNet and started an onboarding process for its Validator Nodes. HUPAYX – A Hybrid Blockchain (private & public blockchain)-based mobile payment solution provider coupled with TechFin business model, […]

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European Game Developer Federation (EGDF) and Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) have signed a code of co-operation with the objective of optimising support for the whole video games industry in Europe during the difficult times ahead and beyond.  As a first step, ISFE and its member associations are supporting the “European Games BizDev Gathering”, […]

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Uptime curated videos launched today

Uptime’s mission: to inspire people to learn, grow, and contribute to a better world. The Uptime app features curated video playlists from globally recognised specialists, its unique technology keeps users relevant with its expert content. Its unique Spark feature allows easy highlighting and saving of video moments that capture a user’s curiosity all i one place. Learning content on Uptime […]

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