Tablet Computers Boost Learning

Are tablet computers the future of education? Convenient, simple, versatile … tablet computers have taken consumer markets by storm over the past few months. It is not uncommon to see people of all ages using them anywhere from public places to business meetings. However, entertainment is by no means the only use for the tablet […]

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Send Cream and Comfort This Mother’s Day

Online Delicatessen, the Delimann has the perfect Mother’s Day gift – a truly authentic, real McCoy, utterly delicious Devonshire Cream Tea available to send by post anywhere in the UK. Proving comfort in the familiar, this long established Deli (since 1837) is finding that their Devonshire cream tea has been selling like hot cakes as […]

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Victoire du golfeur Bubba Watson à Torrey Pines, Californie

Richard Mille annonçait, début janvier 2011, un nouveau partenariat avec un sportif de renom, le golfeur américain Bubba Watson. Ce personnage original, chouchou des médias et des connaisseurs, s’est vu proposer, à l’instar de Rafael Nadal et Felipe Massa, de participer au développement d’une montre tourbillon, capable de résister à des chocs et accélérations démoniaques. […]

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Bubba Watson wins at Torrey Pines, California

In January of this year Richard Mille announced his partnership with American golfer Bubba Watson. Bubba Watson, who has fast become a favourite with Press and golfing enthusiasts alike, agreed to collaborate with Richard Mille in the production of a tourbillon golfers’ watch which would resist the shocks and accelerations associated with this sport. The […]

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