“$50 Million Stock at the Hub!”

Technology Uncategorized, the aftermarket supplier of aircraft parts, is ready for take-off with the launch of the web store (week commencing 12th September 2011) and $50million of stock spanning most major commercial aircraft types and engine types.’s new surplus condition parts are available for 60,000 airline, MRO and supply chain specialist customers to purchase on a 24/7 basis.

This technical breakthrough should help modernise aircraft parts procurement. understand your purchasing requirements from a kilo of cherry rivets, locker latches or leading edges. In partnership with DHL, can satisfy customers with high quality parts and online trace documentation from a consolidated central stock location in Singapore. Collin Trupp, CEO, said “Depending on the needs and requirements of our customer, is able to offer package deals with significant savings. Our pricing policies offer customers better than ‘price matching’ opportunities with call-off packages and virtual warehousing available through our regional sales teams around the world.”’s stringent quality inspection process ensures that each part is inspected and has the correct trace paperwork which is also available to view online. With our logistics partner DHL and our focus on service and delivery we provide a market leading solution to your procurement needs. As a global leader in the international logistics business, DHL has a delivery network spanning more than 220 countries. offer routine, critical and AOG support and can dispatch within four hours of placing an order.

September 2011 sees the aftermarket aircraft parts supplier launching the web store with “buy it now” functionality, transparent pricing and trace documentation online. Customers can fast track the RFQ (Request for Quotation) process and benefit from a time-efficient and simplified purchasing process. Prior to the launch of the web store, the company’s 24/7 UK based Customer Service Team will support orders complementing the regional sales team located throughout the world.