Ivar Jacobson International Joins the Industrial Internet Consortium to Collaborate and Apply its Expertise in the Application of Software Development

Ivar Jacobson International (IJI) today announced it has joined the Industrial Internet Consortium, which aims at accelerating and promoting the business use of the Internet of Things (IoT). Ivar Jacobson International strongly supports the importance of industry-wide, international standards for easier interoperability and is keen to actively participate in framework discussions. Ivar Jacobson International is a […]

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Gravity4 Acquires EuroAds, introducing its Marketing Cloud in Europe, the combined grouped to add up to $60 million in revenue for 2016 in Europe

Gravity4, the world’s first modern-day marketing cloud, announced the acquisition of EuroAds Group A/S. EuroAds is one of Europe’s leading online advertising companies with a full suite of proprietary applications, which will become seamlessly integrated within Gravity4’s Marketing Cloud. The transaction, a double-digit million-dollar deal that included cash and stock, will allow Gravity4 to establish […]

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Hauppauge Digital Inc. September 7, 2015, Berlin, Germany — Hauppauge today announced its newest kit in their mySmarthome home automation line. The mySmarthome Lighting Starter Kit helps consumers get started automating their home lighting with an easy to install yet powerful kit. Using wireless Z-Wave technology, the kit includes the mySmarthome hub plus Z-Wave enabled […]

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Xovis starts strategic partnership with Watcom Group

 Xovis today announced that it has started a strategic partnership with  Watcom Group , a people flow analysis pioneer in Russia since 1999. This cooperation ensures a competent and well-trained local solution provider for the accurate and reliable Xovis PC series 3D counting and tracking sensors portfolio in the retail market in Russia. Swiss quality comes to Russia: Xovis […]

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Neogen lance AccuPoint® Advanced

Neogen améliore AccuPoint®, son système très répandu de contrôle de l’hygiène par ATP-métrie, en lançant une nouvelle version qui en fait le système le plus sensible et le plus fiable du marché. AccuPoint Advanced patented surface sampler AccuPoint Advanced reader with range of samplers Le nouveau Système de Contrôle d’Hygiène par ATP-métrie AccuPoint Advanced de […]

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Neogen führt AccuPoint ® Advanced ein

Neogen hat eine neue und verbesserte Version des AccuPoint® ATP Hygiene-Monitoring Systems auf den Markt gebracht. Durch die vorgenommenen Verbesserungen wird dieses Produkt zum sensitivsten und konsistentesten Hygienen-Monitoring System, das momentan erhältlich ist. AccuPoint Advanced patented surface sampler AccuPoint Advanced reader with range of samplers Neogens neues AccuPoint Advanced ATP Hygiene Monitoring-System ist ausgestattet mit […]

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Neogen launches AccuPoint® Advanced

Neogen has released an enhanced version of its popular AccuPoint® ATP Hygiene Monitoring System that makes this product the most sensitive and consistent hygiene monitoring system available. AccuPoint Advanced patented surface sampler AccuPoint Advanced reader with range of samplers Neogen’s new AccuPoint Advanced ATP Hygiene Monitoring System features improved samplers to more consistently collect any […]

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WindowsのRed Stripe Dealsでインディー重力プラットフォームレーサーゲームJaggy Race!が66%割引。

Microsoftによって選ばれたインディー2.5Dスピード-プラットフォーム/カートレーシングゲームJaggy Race!が近日公開予定のWindows8.1、Windows Phone 8.1バージョン用のMicrosoft Red Stripe Dealsの公式プロモーションの一環として、お得な価格で登場。 このバージョンは人気のPlayStation Mobileバージョンのダイレクトポートで、最近のすべてのアップデートと視覚効果も含まれています。ユニバーサルアプリとしてすべてのWindows8.1対応デバイスとの互換性があり、一度購入されると、PC、Windows PhoneまたはWindowsタブレットでプレイ可能で、キーボードとタッチインプットが提供されます。(デバイスによります) Jaggy Race!はすでにPlayStation MobileとVita Playerのウエブサイトで9/10のスコアを獲得、そして”プレイした中でPSMゲームとして最高なだけではなく、PS Vitaとしてレギュラーリリースができるほどのゲームで、バラエティに富み、ハードゲーマーも満足できるほど長時間の耐久性あり。この内容にして驚きの価格で、購入する価値あり”と言われるほど大好評です。 Red Stripe Deals上で2015年5月28日から6月3日の間掲載され、価格は以下の通りです。定価 300円セール価格 100円 ゲームは下記のリンクより購入可能です。Windows ストア:http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/jaggy-race/4fa17036-e07f-4133-a234-acc45f286309 Windows Phone ストア:http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=9f189511-1feb-4297-8041-bdd4adb81eef Jaggy Race!の詳細についてはこちらで。http://www.tiz777.com/ プレスキットのダウンロードはこちらから。http://www.tiz777.com/img/JaggyRace/JaggyRacePressKit.zip

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