Climate-friendly milk made with Mootral, a revolutionary product that cuts cattle greenhouse emissions, now available to British consumers

Environmentally conscious latte lovers will be able to make climate-friendly coffees at home, as a revolutionary new premium milk is made available to consumers.   Previously the secret ingredient for top baristas at specialist coffee shops such as Saint Espresso and Kiss the Hippo, Brades Farm Barista Milk is now used in all dairy-based coffees […]

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A new lockdown -themed musical for primary schools that is getting children singing again

Hundreds of schools across the UK are helping children process the extraordinary events of the past year with an uplifting, witty musical written by Andrew Oxspring and Nick Haworth of Edgy Productions. The new primary school production, “Wow! What A Year!” is a lockdown-themed musical filled with heartwarming scenes, charming characters, and inspiring music.   […]

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Crowdinvesting-Rekord für Filmprojekt

Schweizer Filmprojekt bricht Finanzierungs-Rekorde und zeigt mit Blockchain und automatisierter Umsatzbeteiligung die Zukunft von Crowdinvesting.     Innovation made in Switzerland   Mit einem revolutionären Crowdinvesting-Modell, das Investoren über eine Blockchain-gesicherte Plattform direkt an den Einnahmen des Films beteiligt, hat die Schweizer Firma Swissploitation Films einen Volltreffer gelandet. 296 Personen aus 18 Ländern haben in den […]

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The European releases its Spring 2021 edition

The first edition of the year provides an engaging insight into a number of sectors and locations, touching on subjects such as cyber security and fintech…   The European has released its Spring 2021 edition, leading with an insight into State Street and their incredible new investment servicing platform. In the article, country head of […]

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The European releases award winners for 2020

The award scheme aimed to recognise companies that adapted to the uncertainty of the year and triumphed in their objectives…   Despite an extremely challenging and uncertain year, The European continues to acknowledge businesses that have been able to weather the storm, and boost the economy in a variety of sectors, such as Energy, Technology, […]

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