[PRESSWIRE] Glasgow, Scotland – 21.03.15 — Tomorrow, Monday 23rd February, One Big Switch will be launching the Big Energy Switch, a people power campaign looking to cut the cost of electricity and gas in Scotland.
The campaign aims to use the huge buying power of 20,000 registrants to help unlock group discounted energy prices in Scotland and boost competition in the energy market.
Michael Stewart, the respected campaigner and football commentator is directing the campaign and will provide a briefing on how the campaign will work.
WHEN: Tomorrow, 10:30am, Monday 23rd March
WHERE: 52 Kelvingrove Road, Glasgow City G3 7RZ
Case study families, who are feeling the effects of the current energy price rise crisis who have joined the campaign, will be present and available for comment.
Susan Stewart
EMAIL: susan@onebigswitch.com
PHONE: 07814 469089