Dasman Diabetes Institute Announces Link Between Mortality Rates and genes

Winning the War Against COVID-19: Dasman Diabetes Institute Announces Preliminary Findings Linking Lower Infection and Mortality Rates to Genetic Variants. Kuwait’s Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI) today announced the online publication in BioRXIV of preliminary data correlating the medical and infection history of patients in countries with lower COVID-19 infection and mortality rates to two specific gene variants. While these findings are […]

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Des dirigeants mondiaux appellent à l’action en matière d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène pour prévenir la COVID-19

New York, New York – 14 May, 2020 — Des Chefs d’État et des organismes des Nations Unies, des institutions financières internationales et des dirigeants de la société civile, du secteur privé et d’organisations de recherche et d’enseignement ont publié aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante… 40 % de la population mondiale ne disposent pas d’installations pour le lavage des […]

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Los líderes mundiales piden que se tomen medidas en materia de agua, saneamiento e higiene para prevenir la COVID-19

Los Jefes de Estado y de los organismos de las Naciones Unidas, las instituciones financieras internacionales y los dirigentes de la sociedad civil, el sector privado y las organizaciones de investigación y aprendizaje formularon hoy la siguiente declaración… El 40% de la población mundial no tiene instalaciones para lavarse las manos con agua y jabón en […]

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UK virtual English language school teaches 500,000 lessons to students across the globe in just 10 months

Online English language school Perfectly Spoken operating out of a home office in the Cambridgeshire Fens celebrates 500,000 lessons completed by its global community of students from 200 countries across the world since it launched the service last July. Perfectly Spoken  has experienced a surge in demand for its English language courses of over 40 […]

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HUPAYX launch Validator Onboarding & MainNet

HUPAYX, an award winning ‘O2O’ blockchain powered mobile payment solution provider – with 2 live apps (wallet and mobile pos) and over 1 Million local merchant base, has officially unveiled its MainNet and started an onboarding process for its Validator Nodes. HUPAYX – A Hybrid Blockchain (private & public blockchain)-based mobile payment solution provider coupled with TechFin […]

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Australian & British COVID-19 Health Survey Reveals Alarming Inter-Generational Gaps between Good Practices, Level of Concern and Actual Risk for High-Risk Groups

The survey of 2,323 respondents in Australia and the UK has elicited several key insights. SiSU Health Group, a world-leading Preventive Health Technology Company, today released the results of its “COVID-19 Needs, Health & Wellbeing Survey”. The survey of 2,323 respondents in Australia and the UK has elicited several key insights, most notably in response […]

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