Active Air Cleaning Technology from Airionex verified to destroy coronavirus in the air within a few minutes

Airionex announced today the results of new independent testing. Varionix® active bipolar ionization air cleaning technology from Airionex has been verified to be effective for disinfecting coronavirus from the air. The virus was completely eliminated within minutes. Varionix® active bipolar ionization systems from Airionex continuously cleans the air of pathogens. Currently available Varionix® air cleaning system units […]

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New Handbook for ministers of finance: the economic potential of water, sanitation and hygiene policies in times of COVID-19

The Sanitation and Water for All global partnership (SWA) released today a pioneering Handbook that compiles best practices and guidance on the use of public funding and mobilizing new financing for water, sanitation and hygiene. This evidence shows that water, sanitation and hygiene can play a central role in supporting ministers responsible for finance and […]

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Nuevo manual para los ministros de finanzas: el potencial económico de las políticas de agua, saneamiento e higiene en tiempos de la COVID-19

La alianza mundial Saneamiento y Agua para Todos (SWA) ha publicado hoy un manual innovador que recopila las mejores prácticas y orientaciones sobre el uso de la financiación pública y la recaudación de nuevos fondos para el agua, el saneamiento y la higiene. Esta información demuestra que el agua, el saneamiento y la higiene pueden […]

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Nouveau manuel à destination des ministres des finances : le potentiel économique des politiques en matière d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène dans le contexte de la COVID-19

Le partenariat mondial Assainissement et eau pour tous (SWA) a publié aujourd’hui Comment faire fonctionner l’investissement public – Manuel à destination des ministres des finances, un manuel innovant qui réunit des bonnes pratiques et des conseils sur l’utilisation des fonds publics et la mobilisation de nouveaux financements pour l’eau, l’assainissement et l’hygiène.   Les données […]

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Great news for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: SGLT2 inhibitors slow disease progression

Two randomized controlled studies show: SGLT2 inhibitors can slow chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression in all patients, not only in diabetics. Results of one study [1] were presented at the virtual ESC Congress 2020 and the results of the other were published in NEJM [2].     ——————————————————————————————————- ABSTRACT: The CREDENCE trial [3] provided evidence […]

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Ayurveda phytoactive ingredients – could they be of use against the coronavirus disease?

FIZ (Frankfurt Biotechnology Innovation Center GmbH) and Sri Sri Tattva Europe B.V. collaborate to fight against COVID-19 through Ayurveda. A new research collaboration network initiated and led by the Frankfurt Innovation Centre Biotechnology (FIZ) will analyse within the “Ayurgenomics” project whether Ayurveda phytoactive substances can support the human body against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. FIZ network […]

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