US Demands Media Access and Aid for Gaza Amid Systematic Liquidation by Israeli Forces

Europe Americas Mid-East News

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza escalates to unprecedented levels, the global community is confronting what many describe as a deliberate and systematic liquidation of the region…

Israel’s continued blockade of both foreign journalists and medical aid organizations has drawn widespread condemnation, with U.S. lawmakers now urging President Biden to act. The denial of access to media and aid groups is seen by critics as part of a broader strategy to obscure the full extent of the devastation, further exacerbating the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza.

On October 21, a coalition of more than 60 U.S. lawmakers, led by Representative Jim McGovern, issued a letter calling on President Biden to intervene and ensure unrestricted media access to Gaza. These legislators argue that the lack of independent press coverage is not only enabling human rights violations to go undocumented but is also preventing the global community from fully understanding the scale of the atrocities.

“No one can say they didn’t know—not our politicians, not our media outlets,” said one commentator, underscoring the gravity of the situation and the complicity of silence in the face of what many are calling one of the great crimes of our time​.

Systematic Liquidation of Gaza: A Deliberate Erasure

Human rights organizations and independent observers are increasingly using the term “liquidation” to describe the situation in Gaza, where entire neighborhoods have been leveled, and civilians are being systematically killed. Reports from Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza document shocking atrocities: children killed while fetching water for their families, bodies of women and children mutilated by artillery, and schools and hospitals that have been deliberately bombed. Many analysts believe that this destruction is not incidental but part of a coordinated effort to erase Gaza from existence.

An observer described the destruction as follows: “Universities, factories, shops, government offices, courts, mosques, and most schools have been destroyed. No possibility for organized human life remains.” Israel’s military operations have targeted not only Gaza’s civilian infrastructure but also key facilities that underpin the region’s social and economic fabric. “We are learning a brutal lesson in real-time, how crimes defined by utter depravity are willingly confessed to, even boasted about,” the observer wrote, pointing to Israeli television broadcasts showing Palestinians fleeing for their lives, framed as voluntary evacuations​.

Media Access Blocked: Reactions from News Organizations

The global media has been largely barred from reporting independently in Gaza, with Israel enforcing strict limitations on foreign journalists. This has provoked an outcry from major media outlets around the world. News organizations such as The Associated Press, BBC, and The New York Times have been vocal in their condemnation of the restrictions, emphasizing that the denial of media access is preventing accurate reporting on the conflict. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has issued multiple statements highlighting the dangers faced by journalists in Gaza, describing it as “the most dangerous conflict zone in the world for reporters”​.

Without independent media on the ground, much of the information coming out of Gaza is from Palestinian journalists working in extreme danger. Many have already lost their lives or been critically injured in targeted attacks, despite wearing clearly identifiable press vests. Tim Dawson, Deputy Secretary General of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), called these local journalists “heroes” for their determination to continue reporting despite losing their homes, families, and colleagues​.

The restrictions on media have led to a dangerous vacuum where misinformation and propaganda can thrive unchecked. Several media outlets have argued that this lack of transparency is allowing Israeli forces to commit war crimes with impunity. “No crime in history has been so documented in real-time,” wrote one commentator, referring to the extensive evidence of atrocities captured by local journalists and shared via social media. Yet, major Western outlets have struggled to fully report on these atrocities due to their inability to verify information independently from within Gaza​.

Palestinian artist Mahasen Al-Khatib was this week killed by Israel after honoring Shabaan Al-Dalu with this artwork, who was burnt alive by Israel as he was attached to an IV drip in al-Aqsa Martyrs’ hospital

Medical Aid Blocked: A Healthcare System on the Brink of Collapse

The denial of access extends beyond journalists, with Israeli forces also blocking critical medical aid organizations from entering Gaza. Six major medical NGOs, including Glia and the Palestinian American Medical Association (PAMA), were denied entry to Gaza in recent weeks, leaving the territory’s healthcare system on the verge of collapse. Only 17 out of 36 hospitals remain operational, and humanitarian organizations warn that the lack of international medical teams is a “death sentence” for many patients​.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed alarm at the situation, noting that Gaza’s medical needs far exceed its remaining capacity. Hospitals are running out of essential supplies, such as anesthetics and medical equipment, and doctors are being forced to treat life-threatening injuries without proper resources. Pediatric nurse Becky Platt, who works through Save the Children, described the conditions in Gaza as “unimaginable,” with children being treated for severe injuries without adequate pain relief​.

This blockade of medical aid is seen by many as part of the broader strategy of liquidation, further undermining Gaza’s ability to recover from the conflict. Advocacy groups have condemned Israel’s actions, arguing that the deliberate targeting of healthcare infrastructure constitutes a war crime. “These organizations were providing life-saving care to Gaza’s most vulnerable, and now they’re being denied entry,” said one representative from PAMA​.

Western Media’s Complicity and the Focus on Israeli Soldiers

Western media outlets have also come under fire for their coverage of the conflict, with some accused of focusing more on the psychological trauma faced by Israeli soldiers than on the suffering of Palestinian civilians. A recent CNN article, for instance, centered on an Israeli soldier’s post-traumatic stress disorder after participating in military operations in Gaza. The article revealed that soldiers were ordered to run over “hundreds” of Palestinians—both dead and alive—with bulldozers. This stark dehumanization of Palestinians is emblematic of the broader narrative being perpetuated by some Western outlets, where the suffering of Israeli soldiers is given more empathy than the victims of their actions​.

Critics argue that this framing contributes to the erasure of Palestinian humanity, further enabling the continuation of these crimes. “The Western media has played a complicit role in whitewashing these atrocities,” wrote one commentator. “This is a crime documented in real-time, yet the narrative is being twisted to focus on the perpetrators’ trauma rather than the victims’ suffering.” Polls show that a significant majority of Britons believe Israel is committing war crimes, yet media coverage often fails to reflect this sentiment​.

Israel has killed over 15,000 children in Gaza in a year

Political Pressure and the Role of the U.S.

As the U.S. election approaches, political pressure is building on President Biden to take stronger action. Lawmakers such as Representatives Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have called for an immediate halt to U.S. support for Israel’s military operations. The letter led by McGovern highlights the moral imperative for the U.S. to act, warning that continued complicity could lead to further escalation of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza​.

While Biden has maintained a strong relationship with Israel, the growing international outcry may force him to reconsider his approach. His administration has already hinted that military aid to Israel could be suspended if the blockade on humanitarian access is not lifted within the next month​.

War Crimes Unfolding in Real-Time

The world is watching as Gaza faces what many are calling a systematic liquidation. The denial of media and humanitarian access is not only exacerbating the crisis but also enabling the erasure of Palestinian existence. As U.S. lawmakers demand action and the international community calls for accountability, the question remains: will the world intervene, or will it stand by as one of the greatest crimes of the modern age unfolds?

There is a growing recognition that this crisis, documented in real-time, will shape global politics for years to come. “We have to keep talking about this,” said one commentator. “No crime this big can be allowed to happen without consequences, or we risk a total moral collapse.”