The AMMT (Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust) takes great pleasure in announcing the 2019 winners of its Outstanding Achievement Awards – given to the brightest and best among the UK’s young graduates. Set up in 2010 as a legacy to Anjool Maldé  (Jools to his friends, 7-7-1984 to 5-7-2009; 2019 marks the 10th Anniversary of Anjool’s passing) the Trust makes annual awards with prize money and showcases winners’ achievements as an inspiration to them and to others to ‘do good, do well’ in life and career.

Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust announces its 2019 (10th Anniversary) Award Winners – including the inaugural winner of a new award in Innovation…

Adam Root
Mary Otumahana
Tomas Wilson
Ellie Murray
Zoe Tweedy
Ryan Elliman
Freddie & Floyer
Tracey Thomas
Daniel Potts


Rick Saunders, Anjool’s Senior Manager during his time at Deutche Bank: ‘As befits the memory of one who was such a positive catalyst in life this Trust has secured a legacy for Jools that ensures he continues to light up lives ten years after he has gone. This year, fittingly, the number of awards granted since inception will exceed 100. Remarkable’.

INAUGURAL AWARD IN INNOVATION– Young Innovator of the Year (co-hosts Innovate UK)

Winner: Adam Root, founder of Inheriting Earth www.inheriting-earth.com

(Photo 1 – Adam Root with presenter Emily Nott courtesy Innovate UK)

Emily Nott (Head of Diversity & Inclusion Programmes, Innovate UK):‘Innovate UK is proud to be working with the Anjool Maldé Trust on the Young Innovator of the Year Award – 2019’.

The Ideas Mean Business campaign is a collaboration between Innovate UK and The Prince’s Trust to engage and inspire young innovators from diverse backgrounds. The programme supported 24 young innovators, who each received one-on-one coaching from an innovation champion, funding to support development of their business and an allowance to cover living costs. Our judging panel were tasked to select one young innovator from the current cohort who had shown the greatest progress throughout and since the award. They selected Adam Root of Inheriting Earth: ‘Adam has made exceptional progress since receiving the Ideas Means Business award. He is now growing his team and has recently secured a large Innovate UK R&D grant. This award is very well deserved and we’re excited to see where Adam’s inspiring journey with Inheriting Earth goes next’.  Adam : ‘It’s a great privilege and honour to receive this award, and to be recognised by the Anjool Maldé Trust as Young Innovator of the Year 2019. Innovate UK’s Ideas Mean Business programme has been fantastic in supporting young innovators like myself. My business, Inheriting Earth, is taking action by developing solutions to stop microfibre plastic pollution at source. This award will allow us to continue our research and development to stop the 8 million tonnes of plastic waste that is released into the ocean every year’.

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE – Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year (co-hosts Raising IT)

Winner: Mary Otumahana, founder of The RecordShop

Runner-Up: Tomas Wilson, founder of OsNosh

(Photo 2 – Mary Otumahana courtesy self, Photo 3 – Tomas Wilson courtesy self)

On Mary Otumahana –  Tom Latchford (CEO of Raising IT and awards sponsor): ‘The difference that The RecordShop www.therecshop.co.uk is making to opportunities that people have in north London is clear. Jools was incredibly passionate about music himself, so recognising Mary and her work supporting aspiring artists is very fitting.  Mary‘I feel so honoured to receive this award and truly appreciate it. Being a social entrepreneur is extremely important to me and to be recognised for all the hard work and dedication behind The RecordShop motivates me to keep going’.
On Tomas Wilson – Mel Guest (Awards Manager for Raising IT ) : ‘We were really struck by the impact that OsNosh, a community kitchen in Oswestry – www.osnosh.co.uk – is having in so many areas of their local community and their approach to using food which would otherwise be wasted. Tomas really deserves this recognition’. Tomas: ‘It was very humbling to receive this award. If I’d have been told a year ago I would win an award I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s great to have our hard work recognised. The prize money is going towards supporting OsNosh continue our work for another year’.

SCHOLARSHIP (co-hosts St Peter’s College, Oxford)

Winners: Katie McAllister (Law Y3), Georgina Hayward (History Y3), Bethany Clarke (Maths Y2), Poppy Robertson (German Y2), David Schramm (Biochemistry Y2), Francesca Chapman (PPE Y2) and Ellie Murray (English Y2)

(Photo 4  – Scholars (L to R) as listed with presenter Master of College Mark Damazer CBE courtesy SPC, Photo 5 – Winner Ellie Murray courtesy self)

Monica Popa (Head of Development): ‘The Anjool Maldé awards are unique at St Peter’s – the winners must demonstrate at least two key attributes. To begin with, they must be academically very able:  they must stand out from among all our other very able students. And above this, they must also demonstrate in some clear way how they helped sustain and build the College community as a whole’.
Citation: ‘This year’s award holders have demonstrated their engagement with the college community through their work in creating a sustainable and responsible environment in college, mentoring kids in state schools in the UK, as well as in rural places in China, running maths camps for children in Kenya and helping with admissions and open days in college. Making time on top of their challenging academic work and pressing exams preparation’.

JOURNALISM – Young Journalist of the Year (co-hosts School of Arts, English & Languages, QUB, Belfast)

Winners: Zoe Tweedy and Ryan Elliman

(Photo 6 Zoe Tweedy with Dr Stephano Baschiera courtesy SAEL, QUB; Photo 7 Ryan Elliman (right) with Dr John D’Arcy (left) courtesy SAEL, QUB)

On Zoe Tweedy –  Prof Cahal McLaughlin (Chair of Film Studies): ‘Zoe was an outstanding student at both BA and MA levels, and her award winning films have been screened internationally. For example, her film, ‘Nomad’, won two Royal Television Society NI Student awards – best camerawork and best short film – and she has also just completed a short film for the BBC NI Two Minute Masterpiece scheme. We look forward to Zoe building on her success here at QUB in the professional film world.’ ZoeIt was a beautiful experience to be honoured with the award in recognition of my filmmaking. To me, stories are incredibly fragile and the chance to tell them can pass abruptly. As such, I am extremely grateful to be in this position as a new filmmaker, with the support provided by awards such as this.

On Ryan Elliman – Don Duncan (Lecturer): Ryan’s work stood out for its consistently high production value and its inspiring creativity. He used natural sound and interview clips to convey the subjective reality of a man dealing with grief and loss and showed how that man, Jim Deeds, expressed his inner pain through musical instruments and woodwork. At this early stage in his development as a journalism practitioner, Ryan has shown considerable technical promise and a subtle sensibility in his storytelling – see Belfast’s Most Multifaceted Man.wavRyan: ‘I’m honoured to be receiving the Anjool Maldé award in Journalism. I intend to use the award money to further my career as a journalist and a storyteller, with the ability to produce pieces of work on a grand and professional scale.

MUSIC – the Jazz Prize (co-hosts Guildhall School of Music & Drama)

(Photo 8  – Jazz Prize winners Frederick Bennett and Floyer Sydenham courtesy GSMD)

Winners: Vocalist – Frederick Bennett (MMus Jazz Voice) 
Instrumentalist – Floyer Sydenham (BMus Jazz Drums)

Prof Malcolm Edmonstone (Head of Jazz): ‘ At the Guildhall School we are thrilled to have hosted the Anjool Maldé  Jazz Prize since its launch in 2013,  as too this year to have been offered a second award as a 10th Anniversary commemoration; recipients have gone on to enjoy diverse and illustrious careers in the music industry and the support of the trust at this crucial first stage of their professional lives has been invaluable. We are indebted to the Trust for its continued support’.
Freddie Benedict gave a vocal recital of the highest order; both his voice and improvisational ability are at the top level, beyond what would be expected for an artist of his age. I have no doubt that a long and fruitful career lies ahead of him as he takes the tools and knowledge gained in his studies and uses them to further his artistic voice’.  Freddie: ’ I’m absolutely delighted to have received this year’s Anjool Maldé Jazz Prize. I shall look forward to using the prize money to buy a new microphone or a mini electronic keyboard that can plug into the side of my computer. That way, I can produce more content and hopefully more sonic treats for you all in due course’.
Drummer Floyer Sydenham presented a recital which showcased not only his considerable skills at the drumset but also a refined and mature ensemble concept, one which belies his age. He has the skillset to be a drummer at the top of this profession, not limited by style or technique but truly the type of musician that we are proud to train at the Guildhall School – ready for pretty much anything the profession could demand of him’ . Floyer‘I am delighted and truly grateful to receive the Anjool Maldé prize. I hope to purchase either a new snare drum or cymbal stack with the prize money, to add to my drum set up. The variety of music that I play requires a wide span of different sounds and textures and so I am always looking to expand my sonic palette.’

PHOTOGRAPHY (co-sponsor Reuben Kench, co-hosts Northern School of Art).

Winners: Tracey Thomas (Fine Art), Daniel Potts (Commercial Art)
(Photo 9 Tracy Thomas , Photo 10  Daniel Potts – both courtesy NSA)


Jamie Macdonald (Programme Leader): ‘The Anjool Maldé Photography Awards celebrate the best talents in Photography, one for the Fine Art Pathway and one for the Commercial Pathway.
The work of Tracey Thomas, winner of Fine Art pathway, investigates a number of social contexts and explores traditional and digital photographic outputs. Her work impressed the judges in that it challenges sensitive issues of identity and representation. She makes individually hand-crafted photographic prints first in the darkroom and then applies digital processes for the output of large-scale works as displayed in the exhibition. Her work indicates exciting potential areas for future commissions and/or post graduate study. Dan Potts was selected winner of the Commercial pathway for his demonstrable technical and transferable skills needed to be a successful practitioner in the contemporary markets of the commercial photography industry. The judges were drawn to the work driven by his  technique – he  displays  an energy in finding his  own voice; and a seriousness in pursuit as a confident communicator and commercial photographer within the expanding ‘digital age’. The Trust was also pleased to award prize money to Morgan Briggs, the 2019 winner of NSA’s Dean Brodrick Memorial Award.

Naina & Bharat (Anjool’s Parents)‘We extend our warm congratulations to all the deserving winners and a grateful appreciation to the judges, sponsors, co-hosts and supporters. With the winner tally now past the 100 milestone, there are so many to thank in helping to make the Trust a success. Special thanks go to:  Trustees Lesley Wilson and Angela Davis who give their time freely and for standing by us all these years. To Mark Damazer CBE, the Master of St Peter’s College, Anjool’s alma mater, who leaves his post after 10 years this year. He has been key to the success of the Anjool Maldé Scholarship that he helped found as part of St Peter’s College 50th anniversary celebrations back in 2011 – an award he took great interest in and personally presented each year. And to Rick Saunders for his kind gesture of a fund-raise appeal for the Trust – currently live and already yielding great value. Thank you and best wishes to all’.

The Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust (the AMMT) is a UK Charity (CC Reg 1146744) www.anjool.org 
Raising IT www.raisingit.com

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