Viaduct Generation is a mission-led, independent SEO agency supporting the online growth of Black, POC and Allied businesses. They provide cost-effective access to AI-powered technology to help underrepresented businesses generate exposure by ranking higher in search engines.
Despite pitching against well-established and funded enterprises, the 8-month old agency was awarded £11,000 after delivering “one of the best pitches” competition director and judge, Lydiah Igweh, “had ever seen”.
Viaduct Generation was primarily awarded the People’s Choice Award of £1,000 after winning the popular vote, with 48% of the audience on their side. The following evening, it was officially announced that Viaduct Generation had won the grand prize of £10,000 by the event coordinator, Georgina Phillipson.
“[There is] no doubt that you will become a successful SEO agency, given the team, drive and energy”, noted the other competition judges, Kevin Maynard, Ezechi Britton, Emilia Gyoerk. “The presentation demonstrated confidence, and a very strong team”.
Ran by former IBM and Google employees, Viaduct Generation only entered the market in January 2021, and has since become one of 4 global partners of Searchmetrics, the AI SEO software provider utilised by 99/100 of the worlds biggest brands. Expecting revenue growth of 1200% over the next two years, Viaduct Generation hopes to grow the number of underrepresented voices in the UK’s top 1000 businesses, with only 6 being black-owned, as of July 2021.
“We could not be more thankful for everyone that has supported us – we’re so proud that our mission resonates with so many of you,” said Fabio Embalo, CEO at Viaduct Generation.