Bedworth pupils learn to sign to help deaf children

Children from Goodyers End Primary School in Bedworth are learning to sing with sign language in a bid to raise money to help vulnerable deaf children in the UK and Uganda.  The school is taking part in sign2sing, a fundraising event organised by the Deaf Health Charity SignHealth.

The children will be performing a specially written song with signs on the 4th February while raising money for the charity.  

Mrs Hayley Davies, Year 4 teacher said: “None of the teachers or pupils has ever signed before so it’s a new experience for everyone.  Luckily sign2sing provide some fantastic online tutorials to help us learn.”

She added: “sign2sing is a  fun way of learning a new way to communicate while raising funds for a really important cause. The children really enjoy getting involved, you can see their confidence grow as they learn the song and signs.”

Schools, businesses, choirs and groups from across the UK are taking part in sign2sing from 1-7 February.   There is still time to  register to take part. Go to :

1.      The Deaf Health Charity SignHealth is a national charity that works to improve the health and wellbeing of Deaf people.

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