Rich Stables CEO of Kelkoo Group comments: “Advocate General Kokott’s opinion that the Court of Justice should dismiss Google’s appeal and confirm the €2.42bn fine adds to the tide of opinion against Google’s conduct in Shopping. We are delighted that the opinion verifies that the European Commission correctly found that Google self-preferenced its own services to the detriment of competitors. I have lived and breathed this case for more than a decade already and look forward to the final verdict later this year which should set a final legal precedent banning anti-competitive self-favouring in vertical search.”
Twitter: @KelkooPolicy
Kelkoo Group was a hugely successful comparison-shopping service (CSS) that helped consumers to make great shopping choices and helped online retailers to reach those consumers. However, virtually overnight, Kelkoo was taken to a cliff edge by Google’s self-preferencing behaviour.
Lead complainant in the Google Shopping Case:
We are one of the lead complainants in the Google Shopping case in Europe and have been lobbying for fair digital markets since 2011. We are in regular dialogue with global regulators who are keen to end monopolist behaviour and restore competition and consumer choice.